Every person living in Russia should be interested in national disciplines. Yes, disciplines in this country are at a high level because athletes have achieved great results in sports for many years. One of these disciplines is football. Many people are fond of this sport because there are many professional football players who have been able to achieve considerable results in this sport. But everyone who is interested in football should know the history of the development of this sport, namely the evolution of national team soccer. In this article, we will talk about the main stages in the evolution of this team, including all the ups and downs.
The Early History of That Discipline
It should start with the fact that soccer began to be played quite a long time ago, back in the late 19th century. It was then that many soccer matches started to be arranged in the main cities. All of them were produced in Moscow. Within a few decades, football is gaining much wider popularity. A separate organization was created to represent the crew in famous tournaments. So, in 19132, the Russian sports team was sent to the Olympic Games. There they lost, but it was 1 such experience.
The evolution of soccer in the 20th century
Then comes another stage in the evolution of soccer, characterized by some of the greatest successes in this sport. Yes, it was during the times of the 20th century, heaps of professional discipline players were brought up who won victories during various football competitions and championships. Until 1956, the USSR was not part of FIFA, but the sports discipline developed at a rapid pace despite this. The heyday of discipline in the USSR began with the games of Russia Goalkeeper Yashin. It was thanks to him that the USSR demonstrated considerable achievements.
The Russian Football at Independence Days
Now football is not developing as much as before, because now there are much fewer world stars. Despite this, Russia soccer is still a beloved discipline among the population.
Move and Learn More About History of Russian Soccer
Now you know about several chief stages in football development in Russia. To find out more, it is worth further studying this topic, and then it will be possible to find out even more interesting facts about Russian football.